google-site-verification=zsLknblUv9MPpbGfVx9l3sfhCtAjcEQGFzXwTpBAmUo Rekomendasi Saham AGRO, BMTR, SRTG dan WIKA oleh Kiwoom Sekuritas Indonesia | 14 Juni 2023 Langsung ke konten utama

Rekomendasi Saham AGRO, BMTR, SRTG dan WIKA oleh Kiwoom Sekuritas Indonesia | 14 Juni 2023

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Kiwoom Sekuritas Indonesia

14 Juni 2023

JCI Range Today 6,657 – 6,677 (Support), 6,755 – 6,772 (Resistance)

JCI closed slightly lower. The stochastic indicator is in the overbought area, MACD histogram is moving positive (golden cross line) and volume is increasing. If it moves bearish again, JCI is expected to weaken again to the support range of 6,657 – 6,677. If JCI is able to move bullish, there is a chance for JCI to go to the resistance at the range of 6,755 – 6,772.


The price closed higher and broke out from the resistance. The price has the opportunity to strengthen to the next resistance. Stochastic indicator is bullish, MACD histogram is moving positive (bullish line) and volume has increased significantly. Confirmation to buy if the next candle is bullish again or buy on support if it goes down first. We suggest being careful if it fails to stay above the support level. (Trading Buy)
Target Price: The price has a bullish opportunity to test the resistance level 404. If it breaks level 404 then the price will go to level 412. We recommend to be careful if the price fails to break through or turn around the support area.
Stop Loss: To minimize the risk of loss, we recommend placing a stop loss at level 382.
Entry Buy : 386 – 396
Target Price : 404 – 412
Support : 384 – 386
Cutloss : 382


The price closed higher and broke out from the resistance. The price has the opportunity to strengthen again to the next resistance. Stochastic indicator is bullish, MACD histogram is moving positive again (bullish line) and volume is increasing. Confirmation to buy if the next candle is bullish again or buy on support if it goes down first. We suggest being careful if it fails to stay above the support level. (Trading Buy)
Target Price: The price has a bullish opportunity to test the resistance level 334. If it breaks level 334 then the price will go to level 340. We recommend to be careful if the price fails to break through or turn around the support area.
Stop Loss: To minimize the risk of loss, we recommend placing a stop loss at level 314.
Entry Buy : 320 – 326
Target Price : 334 – 340
Support : 316 – 320
Cutloss : 314


The price closed higher with a bullish candle. The price has the opportunity to strengthen again to the nearest resistance. Stochastic indicator is bullish, MACD histogram is moving positive (bullish line) and volume is increasing. Confirmation to buy if the next candle is bullish again or buy on support if it goes down first. We suggest being careful if it fails to stay above the support level. (Trading Buy)
Target Price: The price has a bullish opportunity to test the resistance level 1,725 If it breaks level 1,725 then the price will go to level 1,770. We recommend to be careful if the price fails to break through or turn around the support area.
Stop Loss: To minimize the risk of loss, we recommend placing a stop loss at level 1,590.
Entry Buy : 1,605 – 1,670
Target Price : 1,725 – 1,770
Support : 1,595 – 1,605
Cutloss : 1,590


The price closed higher and broke out from the resistance trendline. The price has the opportunity to strengthen again to the nearest resistance. Stochastic indicator is bullish, MACD histogram is moving positive (bullish line) and volume is increasing. Confirmation to buy if the next candle is bullish again or buy on support if it goes down first. We suggest being careful if it fails to stay above the support level. (Trading Buy)
Target Price: The price has a bullish opportunity to test the resistance level 545. If it breaks level 545 then the price will go to level 560. We recommend to be careful if the price fails to break through or turn around the support area.
Stop Loss: To minimize the risk of loss, we recommend placing a stop loss at level 500.
Entry Buy : 515 – 525
Target Price : 545 – 560
Support : 505 – 515
Cutloss : 500
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